Scrap G™ is The world's first digital online indenting service dedicated to sellers and buyers. A platform to sell and buy Ferrous and Non-Ferrous scrap metals around the world. In the 5th generation communication system, We are the first online indenting services platform where members can get connected with a reliable and secure system. Scrap G is specially designed for Steel manufacturing industries and as well for recycling Industries, One platform provides a complete range of Ferrous scrap which includes Re-meltable and Re-rollable grades and as well a range of Non-Ferrous scrap grades, This platform is only for the verified and end Suppliers where they can post their regular offers to sell material and for The end Buyers where they can view a fully furnished offer to buy material. No Metter where you are from, this platform allows you to sell and purchase Material EXW/FOB or CFR.
Important for New Users: Our Signup policy is strict because it selects only authentic and reputed Sellers and Buyers Companies. Signup is compulsory for all new Users. Everybody has to go through the Signup procedure. With your given profile details, the Scrap G team will verify and confirm the reliability and standers of your company. Unrealistic and unreliable companies cannot be part of our community. We believe that our secured company details verification system will further enhance our platform, it creates more trust and assurance in our community hence resulting in more people joining our platform. We really recommend you contact the Scrap G Team representative to know about the signup procedure before you signup.
Sell to the only verified and end buyers and purchase from only verified and end suppliers
Make a private own dashboard to sell/buy and acquire material
Browse, Post and discover new offers on desktop as well by Android/IoS mobile App soon
With your own dashboard get fully profile privacy from each other
Keep upto date with international and domestic market prices trend and news
Keep getting notifications with any new offers on your mobile App